
Monday, July 2, 2018

The Batman

Coming off the success of Batman TAS Batman Beyond and Justice League, Warner Bros tried to reinvent Batman for the 2000s. did it work? in some sense yes it did work. I think the main issue people have with this series is the art and animation. this series is drastically different from the legendary Batman TAS. legendary characters like the joker for example are drastically different. and for people who are in love with the Joker from Batman TAS this is a huge disappointment. to make this show kids friendly the studio cut back on the dialogue and classic lines for more action and cheap fight scenes. sure the younger kids loved it but the older generations that grew up with batman hated it. the show lasted 5 seasons and some of the episodes weren't bad. in fact some of the episodes were very good. and the studio did try to bring the many different aspects of batman to the small screen. he was a fighter a detective the billionaire playboy. but when its talored for young kids there is only so much they can do without getting flagged. all in all this was a good attempt to bring Batman to the new age but it fell short. just because it fell short doesn't mean it does not deserve a HD Treatment. there are worst adaptations that got the HD treatment. so DC warner bros give this show the treatment.

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